Amanah dan Profesional adalah prinsip kami dalam bekerja. Untuk memastikan TravelSys memberikan produk dan layanan terbaik bagi bisnis Anda, kami membangun super team dengan bidang keahlian spesifik sesuai dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi di dunia travel, baik travel umrah, haji, wisata, maupun berbagai komponen pelengkap dan turunannya.
Sebagai perusahaan berbasis inovasi teknologi yang membawa masa depan ke masa ini, kami selalu memastikan kompetensi tim relevan dan terus berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi di lapangan. TravelSys memiliki "people development program", yaitu program pelatihan internal maupun eksternal, untuk memastikan seluruh tim berkembang dengan baik, dan dapat menyalurkan kompetensi terbaiknya untuk menjadi solusi dari berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi.
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. If you want both, build super team"

Software Development | Enterprise Resource Planning | Training, Mentoring, & Coaching | Public Speaking | Research & Analysis | SaaS Architecture
Pendamping UMKM BNSP-RI | Trainer/Instruktur SKKNI Level 4 BNSP-RI | NLP Business Practitioner - The Society of NLP | Professional Mentor Business Coach - The Indonesian Board of Grounded Business Coaching | Professional Mentor Corporate Coach - The Indonesian Board of Grounded Business Coaching | Trainer for Business Roadmap Model - Sinergi Business Solution
Professional Mentor Business Coach | Professional Mentor Corporate Coach | Grounded Business Coaching | Grounded Financial Acumen | NLP Practitioner by NLP Indonesia | SCRUM for Agile Development | Smart Financial Roadmap | Scale Up Mentality | Scale Up Trap | Business Roadmap Model | Training for Mentor BRM | Adaptive Communication | Execution Strategy | Financial Literacy | Leader as a Coach | Building Superteam Masterclass | Customer Experience Formula | Financial Class for Business Owner | World Class Manager | 4 Disiplin Manajemen | Emotional Competence for Success | Balanced Scorecard Masterclass Training | Business Fundamental Skills | General Manager | Pajak Untuk Badan Usaha | Problem Solving & Decision Making | Scale Up 2.0 | Brevet Pajak AB - IAI | Design Thinking Express | BRM For Annual Meeting
State of the Art Rookie Award - IBM Indonesia (2015) | 1st Winner Final Project Competition - FPC PENS (2015) | 2nd Winner of National MIS Competition - ITCC Udayana (2015) | 3rd Winner Applied Technology Competition - PTC PENS (2015) | 3rd Winner Software Development Competition - INIXINDO (2015) | 1st Winner of Web Development Competition - UB (2014) | 1st Winner of Web Development Competition - UNNES (2014) | 1st Winner Software Development Competition - SE PENS (2013) | 1st Winner of Web Development Competition - ITS Expo (2012) | 1st Winner of Web Development Competition - ITS Expo (2011) | 2nd Winner Web Design Competition - TEA PENS (2011) | 1st Winner Physics Blog Competition - Gebyar Fisika ITS (2010) | 4th Winner Biology Olimpiade - UWKS (2010) | 1st Winner Physics Olimpiade - OSS SMAMDA (2009) | 2nd Winner Web Design Competition - Kreasi SMAMDA (2009)

Training Needs Analysis | Industrial and Organizational Psychology | Travel System Consulting
Boost Selling with Copy Writing by Hingdranata Nikolay | Customer Research | Marketing Framework | Social Media Research & Analytics | Growth & Fixed Mindset | Psychological First Aid (PFA) | Business Development Strategy | 7 Habit of Highly Effective People | Winning With People | 4 Discipline of Executions | Business Roadmap Model 2.0 | Business Roadmap Model 3.0 | Premium Super Selling (PSS) | Building a Productive Reseller / Affiliate System | Service Excellence | Unlocking Employee Potential | Building a High Performance Culture in the Organization | Super Team Bootcamp | HRM Mastery | Public Speaking for Leaders | World Class Manager | Emotional Wellness and Analyzing Credibility - NLP | HR Masterclass

Office Administration | Travel System Consulting
Office Administrative of Office Administration - BNSP RI
Grounded Business Coaching | Stress Management and the Best Solution by Coaching | Bussines Development Strategy | 4 Disciplines of Execution | Business Roadmap Model 2.0 | 7 Habit of Highly Effective People | Winning With People | Service Excellence | Building a High Performance Culture in the Organization | Coaching Mosaic - Diving into the world of coaching | The Pomodoro Technique | Archive Management | Leader as a Coach | Leadership Hack | Bisnishack Superteam Bootcamp | Emotional Competence for Success | World Class Manager | 4 Disiplin Manajemen | Business Fundamental Skills | General Manager | Problem Solving & Decision Making | Lean Six Sigma White Belt | Design Thinking | Grounded Leadership Coaching | NLP Practitioner by NFNLP

Motion Graphic Design | Graphic Design | User Interface Design | 2D Animation | Front End Design
Mikrotik MTNCA | LSP Teknik Komputer Jaringan - BNSP
Grounded Business Coaching | Cost Efficiency - Lean Management | 7 Habit of Highly Effective People | Winning With People | 4 Discipline of Executions | Business Roadmap Model 2.0 | Design Thinking | Fixed & Growth Mindset | UIUX Inklusif Design - Halo Designer | UX Writter - Halo Designer | UIUX - Decompee 2.0 | The Future of UI/UX Designer - Decompee | Intermediete Pentest - Talenta | Speaking - Bravespeakers | How to Plan & Achieve Goals 2024 | Public Speaking for Leaders | Basic Pentest & Ethical Hacking | Javascript Basic - Codepolitan | PHP Basic - Codepolitan
3rd Winner IT Expo Animation - UNJ 2019 | 1st Winner Poster Graphic Design Competition - 2019

Communication Skill
Accounting Service Bookeeper And Auditor Tax Consultant
Business Development Strategy | 7 Habit of Highly Effective People | Winning With People | Cost Efficiency - Lean Management | 4 Disciplines of Execution | Bisnishack Superteam Bootcamp | Premium Selling Skill | Grounded Total Marketing | Selling With Confidence | Jadi Jago CS & CRM | Problem Solving & Decision Making | Sales Think

Copywriting | SEO Content Writing | Social Media Content Writing | Email Marketing Writing
Writing Mentors Komunitas Literasi Indonesia Ponorogo (2014) | Writing Mentors Cakepers Ponorogo (2017)
Bussiness Roadmap Model 2.0 | Becoming Corporate SEO Specialist | SEO Basic Course | Design for Instagram Content | The SEO Bootcamp | Fundamental Course of Software Engineering | Digital Marketing Mini Course | Kickstart Your Content Writing Career | Mini Course Rich Affiliate | Impactful Writing Program Batch 8 | Skill Up : Cara Mudah Bikin Ebook & Ecourse | One Day Training : Rahasia Peringkat Website #NaikLevel dengan SEO | Book Writing Camp #26 (Tinta Langit)
Writer of 2 Books

Graphic Design | Video Editing | Video Content Creation
Qualification II Visual Communication Design | LSP BNSP
Bisnishack Superteam Bootcamp

Interpersonal Communication Skills
Public Speaking for Leaders | The Great Sales Formula | Jadi Jago CS & CRM | CS Whatsapp Transformation

Webtoonist | Graphic Design | Illustrator
Seni Gambar - Webtoon Canvas Visualisasi Syair Perjalanan Si Pahit Lidah (EC00202260447)
CS WA Transformation
Publish Webtoon di Naver Webtoon Canvas Indonesia


Human Resources Development | Photography | Video Editing

Journalism | Mass Media Communication
Sertifikasi Collection Staff | Asosiasi Fintech Pendanaan Bersama Indonesia (AFPI)
Pelatihan Bisnis Kewirausahaan
Best Agent With The Highest Performance For 3 Consecutive Months | Juara 2 Lomba Festival Film Pendek Jurnalistik | Juara Berbakat Desain Majalah

Data Science | Prompt Engineering | Generative AI Engineering
Certified Professional PHP Developer by W3Schools | Certified Professional PostgreSQL Developer by W3Schools | Certified REST API Developer by HackerRank | Certified Python Developer by HackerRank | Certified Javascript Developer by HackerRank | Certified SQL Developer by HackerRank | Certified CSS Developer by HackerRank | Certified Nodejs Developer by HackerRank | Certified Advanced Laravel Developer by W3Schools | Generative AI Assistants Specialization by Vanderbilt University | Generative AI Leadership & Strategy Specialization by Vanderbilt University
LKMM Pra-TD | LKMM TD | BIMATRA | Webmethods for Beginer to Proficiency | PostgreSQL : for Beginners Become an Expert SQL | Data Integration (ETL) With Talend Open Studio | LLM Fine Tuning on Openai | Generative AI Using OpenAI API for Beginners | Agile Requirements Foundations | Introduction to Career Skills in Data Analytics | Become an industry recognized Laravel Certified Developer | Basics of Project Management by IBM-I | Leadership and Team Development by IBM-I | Change Management by IBM-I | Risk Management by IBM-I | Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT | OpenAI GPTs: Creating Your Own Custom AI Assistants | SBS - Project Management | SBS - Building a Team | SBS - Digital and Social Media Marketing | Trustworthy Generative AI | Generative AI for Leaders | Google Introduction to Generative AI | Google Introduction to Large Language Models | Google Introduction to Responsible AI | Google Responsible AI: Applying AI Principles with Google Cloud
1st Winner of Web Design Skill Competition Bojonegoro 2014 | 1st Winner of Blog Design Skill Competition Bojonegoro 2015 | 1st Winner of Web Design LKT 5 by State University of Surabaya | 3rd Winner of East Java Civic Olympiad by State University of Surabaya | 1st Winner of Quranic Application Competition by Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya | Best Application Software Expo by Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya | 3rd Winner of DILO Hackathon Festival 2018 by DILO Surabaya | 2nd Winner idenTIK Kominfo on Private Sector Category (NusaTracking) - With Orion Solusi Teknologi

Managerial Skills | Risk Assessment
Show Your Best Potensial For Better Generation. It's Time To Change | Menjadi Pemimpin Muda Berdaya dan Berkaya Bersama Al-Qur'an

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Menciptakan Enterpreneur Milenial Kreatif dan Inovatif di Era Transformasi Digital
CS Whatsapp Transformation

Communication Skill
Qualification II Visual Communication Design | LSP BNSP
Contribution of Month VRI Legok


Communication Skill